Black Summer (2019–2021)
Excellent visual storytelling, chaotic, weak narrative
26 June 2021
S1 is very good. The show relies HEAVILY on visual storytelling rather than exposition or excessive dialog, which is a huge plus in my book; I like to see characters moving and doing, not standing and talking. There are mildly disruptive jumps in the timeline. The chaotic violence is confusing, random and often nonsensical, which feels genuine; after all, isn't that what chaos is? It strays woke a bit too often, all the men are violent, untrustworthy, and duplicitous; with white men being the worst. When men commit violence it's because they are violent, when women commit violence they were just doing what was necessary. The gun play choreography is abysmal. Clearly, the directors have never even played paintball, let alone served in the military or viewed a live fire or war footage. During scenes of chaos, there are mobs of people stacked one behind the other, all firing forward. People running toward zombies shooting at people running away from zombies. People with automatic rifles spraying into crowds and only hitting zombies. It's somehow worse than latter seasons of TWD. There are a couple of scenes of "friendly fire" but they feel tacked on. I'm still watching S2 and it seems weaker, even less of a narrative. I'm disappointed there were no cameos by Z-Nation stars.
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