Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Battle Scars (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
Battle Scars
12 June 2021
This episode didn't spare any expense at all. The last few weeks have been entertaining to a degree but have felt kinda hollow in regard to development of the characters and the storyline. For this week's episode, the writers finally decided that it was time to move on a little bit, and for that, they introduced a fan favorite character from previous shows, a great plot to get them to a certain place that has been explored in canon, and just a whole lotta fun to pull in the audience. This was a great episode and one of the very best since the show's premiere.

Many have been quick to label a lot of previous episodes filler. I don't think that's completely fair as last episode was necessary to get to this. The last episode ended with a great tease and the writers didn't wait to answer the question asked there. They got right into it here with introducing this character. His connection to the group made it the perfect opportunity to explore his reaction to their immunity to the inhibitor chips and it made for a great adventure to get rid of them once and for all. It's a basic storyline, but it explored some darker depths to these characters than we've seen before, and the interesting thing that happened to Wrecker in the last episode comes to play in this, which I also loved. There were some great moments of action with all of them getting the opportunity to shine through a little bit. This was probably the least Omega-focused episode of the show so far, and I didn't mind that they took a break from setting her up. She's been giving the most development out of any of them, so it only seems fair to give a bit of a backseat in this. It also leaves some questions for next week's episode, but if this goes the way I think it will, we're in for a huge action thrill next week, and one that I have been anticipating for some time now. I'm a big fan of where the show is heading and I'm eagerly awaiting more.

"Battle Scars" is the best episode of the show since the premiere. It had a big emotional draw to it, and it shows why the lesser episodes are necessary to set these things up, so we don't have to do things too fast. It provided some great answers but asked some greater and fascinating questions.
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