Review of Manifest

Manifest (2018–2023)
Had potential, but this ain't it...
10 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
...The storyline would have been good for a 5 episode mini series or maybe a two-parter but three seasons of thinly veiled sci-fi mystery at season1 and after that rapidly devolving into a "Days Of Our Lives" soap opera. Nope, this ain't it!

It really looks like this is one of the many half baked storylines which have been aired on network tv over the last years written and developed by talentless but politically correct hacks.

The actors are mediocre at best and some of them look like they are just phoning it in for the paycheck.

Even Ghostbusters 2016 is more enjoyable than this snooze fest and that should tell you something.
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