"A lot of innocent people have been fried on the hot seat . . . "
6 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
. . . crack defense lawyer Steve warns his lover Georgia about 48:34 into CRIMINAL COURT. Americans have always known that the USA is configured to allow rich people to get away with murder (enjoying years on grassy golf courses searching for bogus "real" killers), while innocent bystanders and patriotic working stiffs are murdered by the dozens on gurneys, in gas chambers, by firing squads, strangled at the end of nooses, gasping in Germanic poison chambers, being cooked alive strapped down in torture chairs and through many other cruel, unusual, barbaric and uncivilized means of "punishment." Members of a satanic Death Cult (often referred to as "Core Supporters," "Right-to-Lifers," or simply "The Base") fervently if secretly hope that one of their own family members, "friends," neighbors, co-workers or current lovers will get snagged in this Machinery of Doom, so that they themselves can enjoy vicarious thrills thinking about the unlucky patsy's sad fate for the rest of their own pathetic lives.
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