Review of Nomadland

Nomadland (2020)
Boring and Depressing Film
18 April 2021
I watched this with an open mind and was patient. Thirty minutes in my patience turned into utter boredom. Perhaps this story would have made for a decent blog post or article but it didn't work as a movie for me.

There is one nice scene when one of the nomads opens up about his son's suicide but that scene comes toward the end and does not contribute to the main character's story arc (which is almost nonexistent).

It seems like this movie only got traction because it deals with a political topic (homelessness), it features a prominent actress, it was written and directed by a female, and because not many interesting movies were released in 2020 due to the reaction to covid.

Again, the movie itself is a bore. The main character is miserable and depressing to follow. I recommend watching something else. Into The Wild is a good alternative.
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