Midnight Run (1988)
OK, but lose no sleep for missing it
17 April 2021
It's an unlikely companion buddy road farcical adventure film.

Now, you have no need to see it yourself.

Seriously though, this is a fine movie to blow a lazy afternoon and have a few laughs.

The plot is continuously edged along by the ridiculous actions of characters. For instance, the plot would not otherwise advance in many of the scenarios if anyone involved did anything realistic.

Guys with guns having a shoot out are not usually dumb enough to just walk around, without cover, aiming at one target while there are dozens of people shooting at them.

That does allow the buddy team to escape and reach the next page of the screenplay.

It's okay. It feels super-contrived which is okay for mindless entertainment, but not any kind of serious attempt at furthering the art form.

Watch it if you've got time to kill and nothing better available. These days, it is hard to imagine a situation in which this movie is the best choice to consume your time.
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