The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
It starts like comedy of errrors but actually grows
23 March 2021
After the first episode, I thought "well, that's actually quite stupid. And come on, flight attendants cannot have so much fun, right?". But as the episodes progressed, it became something totally different. It's not so much about the murder, I didn't feel any interest whatsoever about who killed the guy. It was about what happened to Cassie to mess her up so badly. That was the real mystery. Why a beautiful, smart girl with a great profession spend her time in oblivion. I really enjoyed watching the series, I felt touched by her story and I felt satisfied by the plot and the ending. Now, some people might feel she was way too dumb. But in reality, she's not dumb, she's reckless. She was hurting herself the whole time by doing all these crazy stuff. And that's the powerful thing. How much we deform our reality, to compensate for the pain in our childhoods. I recommend it.
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