WTH Happened to Lisa's Character?
10 March 2021
Ok this movie sucks for various reasons already mentioned by other reviewers, but my biggest complaint is what they did with the Lisa McDowell character. In the original movie she was bright, intelligent, lovely, and upbeat. Of course Akeem fell for her and you got the feeling she was going to breath new life into Zamunda as his wife, i.e. no more of that rose petal crap etc..

But instead, in this movie Lisa does nothing but roam around the palace wearing her tiara 24/7 and looking down at everyone with a perpetual frown and haughty attitude. The fact that she only shows any happiness is when she gets plastered with the Leslie Jones character is pretty pathetic. This is the Lisa who made that speech about the children being the future causing Akeem to fall for her? The character has been turned into a complete mindless doormat.
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