A Low Budget Cult Film That Inspired a Lot
16 February 2021
Shaun of the Dead is a very important piece of cinema due to its impact on satire, comedy and zombies cannot be understated. It uses its low budget setting as the basis for the comedic jokes inside the film, with the pub, our protagonist's girlfriend's house and his own house as the basis for the film. The reason this film has aged so well is because it was arguably the first true Zombie satire film that was still horrifyingly gorey and hilarious. The things that Shaun of the Dead inspired cannot be understated Shaun of the Dead was a revolution for the zombie genre. Moving on from that Edgar Wright's Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy became a cult classic which didn't do so well at the box office but literally everyone has seen later the trilogy is definitely worth buying on Blu-Ray. The pub scene finale and the actual ending subverted my expectations with a plot twist nobody saw coming. I don't drink but the alcoholic parts were hilarious.
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