Cinema Omnivore - The Death of Stalin (2017) 6.3/10
2 February 2021
"Mordant wits and biting repartees are Iannucci's forte, and in TDoS, they are aplenty, the whole Politburo is made up of the targets of ridicule and contempt: Tambor's deputy chairman Georgy Malenkov is a tinpot dunderhead; Beria, a sadistic wheeler-dealer who are prone to hectoring; Khrushchev has that particular political acumen, and cunningly adept in conniving and conspiring; Palin's Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov is a party maximalist, but barely has any say-so in the game. As for Stalin's two heirs, Svetlana (Riseborough) is at the end of her tether, and the plastered Vasily (Friend), a lost cause liable to nonsensical babbling, they are not veritable successors of their father's legacy."

read my full review on my blog: cinema omnivore, thanks
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