Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Helpless (1999)
Season 3, Episode 12
The most horror-centric Buffy will ever get
23 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In terms of atmosphere, Helpless is the scariest Buffy episode by far. Season one engaged with horror at a campy level, season two utilizes Gothic imagery for romantic effect, and the odd episode like Hush is certainly creepy, but Helpless goes for no-holds-barred dread and terror in a way it never otherwise attempts.

Part of this is her lack of powers; Buffy usually feels too capable to really be in danger from outside forces. It's typically her own self-doubt that acts as the real threat. Here, though, her diminutive size isn't a joke or an ironic contrast--it's true vulnerability.

The episode is also beautifully shot, soaked in shadows. Whenever you're inside this run-down house with a psychotic vampire, your skin crawls. You feel that this is a place you should not be in. Every frame shouts, "Get out of here!" Like in the best horror movies.

Buffy's character comes through, though. She does go into the house; she does face down the threat. It's who she is, even without super powers. I love that she is ultimately saved by her craftiness instead of her fists. That's why she's a worthy slayer, and in a strange way it sort of justifies the council's test.
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