Get Smart: Our Man in Leotards (1965)
Season 1, Episode 10
New meaning to the term "Freeze."
16 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
We begin at some multi-building facility (that looks like a Hollywood movie studio) with the Chief showing special features of the latest and greatest cars for spies to use-a vehicle that looks suspiciously like the Chief's personal car that he was about to use for his vacation in the previous episode when he was kidnapped in it.

Nearby, a man bursts out of a CONTROL laboratory, with people chasing him. Max and the Chief take the car to follow but when they reach the front gate, the guard tells how he thought he had the guy cornered when he suddenly leapt over the 6- chain-link fence. The Chief has trouble believing a man could just run up and jump over the fence and asks for Max's opinion. Max says he'll give it a try, since he was 3-time high jump champion at spy school, claiming, "If I can't do it, nobody can." He backs up and asks the Chief to give him an "on-your-mark, get set, go." Smart is particular about how this is done, making the Chief try three times before he will attempt the jump. He runs up and doesn't even get half-way up the fence with his feet. Of course, we wonder how he ever thought he might jump over it if what we saw was as high as he could jump.

What the man took was a new drug called "Immobilo" which, when injected into someone with a needle, renders them frozen stiff for 30 seconds or more. At the CONTROL lab, Smart is given a ring with a small needle sticking out so he can take care of enemy agents. Of course, before he leaves the room he has immobilized the Chief and the lab man, Windish.

They deduce that the thief was a man named Naharana, who is from Pinerovia and that he wants to use it at the Pinerovian Embassy. It so happens that Agent 99 is already on an undercover assignment there, and she has thrice tried to communicate with the Chief but keeps breaking off her contact, as though she's interrupted. So Smart is to try to get into the embassy to learn who the target is and what they are seeking to do.

Smart dons a white jumpsuit and carries a toolbox of some sort and is admitted by the guard, despite first claiming to be there to fix the air conditioner. On learning they have none, he keeps asking about everything else-plumbing, etc. until finally getting the man to inform him that they are having an electrical short. The man seemed delighted when Smart told him, "That's what I'm here for."

Once inside, Smart is able to overhear some talk, then slips into a music room full of instruments and begins radio communication with 99, who is hiding behind a bass drum in the same room, neither knowing the other is just on the other side of the drum. This was my favorite scene as they try to find out where the other is. Smart asks her if there's a bass fiddle in the room. She stands up and spots it. He then asks about the drum, then to look over the drum to see if there's a man in white workclothes. Each time she tells him there is. Max finishes, "Don't panic 99, but I think it might be me."

A knock on the door reveals Naharana wanting to get into that room, telling his dancer to clear out. She stalls long enough for Max to hide inside the bass drum, after cutting out the skin on the side away from the door. Naharana and an aide enter and discuss the plans for the ambassador, unaware that Max is inside the drum they are standing beside, listening to every word. Happening to pick up a drumstick, Naharana bangs on the drum several times as he converses with his aid. We viewers can see Max holding his ears with every strike as it is really loud inside. On the last strike there is a neat twist which I won't reveal in case someone reading has yet to see the show.

Smart later switches places with one of the male dancers, but is discovered almost immediately as he could not demonstrate a dance move to the careful Naharana. In the end, surprise, surprise, he saves the day.

It was a decently funny episode, not as good as others, but better than weak episodes. 8 seems right.
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