Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Adapt or Die (2020)
Season 7, Episode 6
Mack was the Trout in the Milk!
19 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start by saying that I have truly loved Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and have rewatched the entire series. Season 7, as a whole, is one of my favorites, (wish it had been a longer season) however, I take issue with the fact that in episode 705, Daisy and Sousa's coms go down and they suddenly go missing, yet no one goes in search of them. Why?! That's very out of character for the team and the show.

Fast forward to episode 706 and we see that Nathaniel is Whitehall's rich little lap dog doing a lab experiment on Daisy. "I'm rich ... that cuts down some barriers." What a disgusting, spoiled rotten, little rich brat thing to say?!

Thank God for Hop-Along Sousa! Had he not gone with Daisy on her part of the mission she would have been chopped up and left for dead like Jiaying. Who knew the one legged man out of time would be the one to save our favorite agent?! And while we saw Sousa hobbling out of the wreckage with an unconscious Daisy in tow, it would have been nice to see how he got past the Malick Mob... because you know damn well that there had to be one. We also know, because Daisy tells us in a later episode, that Malick's science experiment nearly killed her, it would have been nice to see/hear Sousa filling in the blanks for the team. It would have also been nice to see/hear Simmons initial opinion/explanation to the team about Daisy's condition.

As for those saying that Daisy was just a little injured or questioning why she couldn't quake ... she took a pretty powerful shot to the side, where Sousa took a shot to the shoulder. Her body and internal organs would have absorbed more of the drug they were both shot with and therefore would have affected her ability to not only come back to consciousness but also her ability quake... the drug would have worked much like the inhibitors placed on her arms at the end of season 2.

I found Mack, one of my favorite characters, to have been extremely selfish, and quite frankly, whiney in this episode. He preached to the team about never leaving another team member behind, always doing what's right ("make ripples not waves") and not letting emotions take over... yet he did exactly that after saying that he couldn't be without his strongest fighter. He allowed his emotions to cloud his judgment and instead of looking for Daisy, like he should have done, he went on a mission to save his parents... who, as it turns out, were actually chronicoms. Queue the words smallest violins.

All of the filler hoopla with Simmons, Enoch and Deke was just that... fillers and hoopla. I realize what they were doing was supposed to be important but it came across as boring and unnecessary. And don't get me started on Coulson and May. I do not like May in Season 7... we needed the bold, fearless May from earlier seasons.

Toward the end of the episode, we finally hear Coulson ask Sybil about Daisy. Finally! Poor Daisy... it was like everyone forgot that she was missing... glad to see she finally made it back to the zephyr before it jumped!
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