7 October 2020
Firstly, I'm going to commend the acting in this movie - except from Tessa Thompson. She's exactly the same in everything that she does, which would be fine if she had the personality to carry it off, which she doesn't. Stanfield and Fowler, especially, though, were very good. Plus it's always good to see Danny Glover in anything.

The film, however, was dreadful. I normally enjoy absurdist humour, but this didn't know when to draw the line. It was strangely paced, too. Plus, is it even possible to watch a Hollywood movie nowadays without them having to ram a political message down our throats? It's mind-numbing, and, dismally, I find myself waiting for the point in every modern film or tv programme when it happens. Unfortunately, when it does, I completely lose all interest in what I'm watching.

If you like Monty Python sketches without the humour, you'll enjoy this. If not, avoid at all costs.
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