Review of Top Gun

Top Gun (1986)
It's an eh for me
16 August 2020
Let's get this clear: the flight sequences are amazing to watch. My whole family was ooh-ing and ah-ing during every single one, and we genuinely sensed the danger (and excitement) the fighter pilots were in. Soundtrack, loved it. Muscular, toned guys, check.

Story-wise though, there were a few moments-not going to spoil anything-that are supposedly important to Pete Mitchell, but it's not worked in sensitively and deeply such that the audience can also empathize with. In fact, this movie perplexed my parents (aged 49-54 years old) at times; if they didn't catch a single line about something, they wouldn't understand a character's motivation.

Okay, you might say, chill out it ain't that deep. But there was also a scene that lacked explanation (one character's only piece of dialogue near the end of movie). In addition to that, the movie felt kind of predictable. The main plot developments in the movie were nothing exciting and new. Honestly, it felt like checking off boxes.

I watched this movie, because the rest of my family had only seen Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible movies (known to us as mostly action, less varied acting), but I did enjoy Risky Business, so I had hoped to see another dimension of Tom Cruise here.

This quote from critic Roger Egert sums it up best: "Movies like Top Gun are hard to review because the good parts are so good and the bad parts are so relentless. The dogfights are absolutely the best since Clint Eastwood's electrifying aerial scenes in Firefox. But look out for the scenes where the people talk to one another."
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