Dark: Ein unendlicher Kreis (2019)
Season 2, Episode 6
I'm stunned!
13 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode just nailed it with such powerful drama in a new way by contrasting the past with our future knowledge. Then it also had the super thrilling complexity that makes this show so amazing.

We already see Jonas fall apart, getting more desperate over time, but it's incredibly painful seeing him watching everyone beeing happy, them in the past unknowing, his younger self included. Also it's not simply everyone was happy and all was good. We also see the Doppler parents really apart from each other, who seem to have found together by all this again in the past episodes or Ulrich and his affair starting. What truely got me was as I had to pause in the scene Claudia appeared and told him that Michael needs to die. First I thought, why shouldn't he just kill himself or stop his dad? I slowly realized that then he would never could've traveled there without his own (old) existance so it was quite impossible. He just had to accept the endless cycle once again, things falling apart in front of him. We also learned that Jonas has such a important role that he needs to live otherwise Claudia wouldn't have helped. We still don't know the goals of Adam he seems to have done it for Martha but only bc of love? What role does she play? For one scene we saw Alexander Tiedemann who seem to know at least a little bit what's coming but we still don't know what he knows and most importantly who he really is. Best episode so far! I'm excited for the rest!
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