Godzilla vs King Kong two of the most iconic monster fight in the battle of the century
6 July 2020
Yes godzilla and King Kong have fought and well until 2021 they will fight again but until that day we only have the original for now . The one thing i like about this movie that it isn't as dark and serious as the first two films this one is a straight up comedy with monster in it. The characters in the movie are pretty good but the stand out is tako who is the person trying to get King Kong to boost ratings. They way godzilla and kong meet is pretty much on accident . The godzilla suit looks pretty good but from a frontal view it does look a little weird . The godzilla roar has changed it more a higher pitch than it was in the first two films .But the kong suit is awful . Ok the suit itself looks fine but the face and the puppet they use makes him look really ugly ,. The roar for kong is pretty scary and awesome Kong is the main monster in the movie which is kinda disappointing because i like godzilla way more . They first time two meet up it goes exactly as you thought it would go . Godzilla shoots his atomic breathe and kong runs aways . But in the second the fight kong is more prepared for godzilla . Ok the final battle in this movie is down right awesome and my favorite godzilla fight in the entire series and also one of the best monster fright ever in my opinion . The monsters are doing wrestling moves and it's amazing. First kong get his a** handed when godzilla smashes his face into a rock and try's to burn him alive in the first half of the fight bout then kong gets a power up then manages to stand a change against the BIG G .. the two fight some more then go into the ocean . There was a rumor that in the American version kong won and in the Japanese version godzilla won that is false both monsters tumble into the ocean . But there's only one little difference an audio difference in the American version kong roar in the Japanese version they both roar . Well some people have said that kong won other said it was a tie . Sure kong come out form the water but godzilla lives in the water so yeah its a tie . So if your waiting for the rematch between godzilla and kong watch the original but the Japanese version will be harder to come across unless you bought the showa criterion set or a boot leg . But the American version is much cheaper on blu ray. But you want to see two of the most iconic monsters go head to head with the each other be my guest.
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