Rick and Morty: The Vat of Acid Episode (2020)
Season 4, Episode 8
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18 May 2020
Just being honest here on the latest "half-season" - episode 6 took the "meta" concept way too far, and episode 7 was simply not funny. I was starting to get a bit worried - and I might be a little demanding here, but a show with this reputation and a notoriously long production cycle between seasons should be firing on all cylinders. There is also a notable lack of "B" story-lines, while not always called for, are oft-overlooked and underappreciated parts of any TV show.

Last night I pour my traditional glass of midnight wine and was expected to be rather disappointed for the third time in a row. Instead, Ep. 408 is a welcome return to form, reeling back a natural familiarity to the show: solid but ridiculous over-stretching and twists of the main plot sprinkled with random bawdiness, pop culture references and heavy doses of comic wit. This episode evoked the first belly-laughs of the current half-season.
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