Review of Doctor Who

Doctor Who (1963–1989)
Great formula which ensures this series will speak to each generation
17 May 2020
I grew up watching Doctor Who in the 80s, mainly the Tom Baker episodes and some with others. My favourite episodes were with Tom Baker. Watching as a child, I didn't understand everything. Looking at this world now, I understand more and appreciate this series better.

The formula allows not only for a different actor, but times and style change drastically. The writers move along with their current times thanks to this format. And if you don't like a certain Doctor, the next regeneration might give you one you do. By incorporating themes from the changing times in our real world, the writers can give every Doctor something original. Even when he meets enemies from the past again.

When they announced they'd make new series, I wasn't interested. How many times were great series from the past ruined by bringing them back with bad writing and many other terrible decisions?

My son however watched the Christopher Eccleston episodes and loved them. That was his introduction to Doctor Who. He became a fan, but doesn't like the classic Doctor Who episodes. I still refused to watch the newer Doctor Who episodes. Then one day my son showed me footage of the Van Gogh episode. I watched how Van Gogh was told how much his paintings meant to the world. It was touching and I was crying. Well, if modern Doctor Who could make me cry, allright, I'd give it a try.

So we've been watching all the episodes since Eccleston. We did start with the Smith episodes first because of Van Gogh though. Then we watched the Eccleston ones. Now we're watching the Tenant episodes. I like how I grew up watching Doctor Who and how my son became a fan of the modern Doctor Who as a 15-16 year old.

I never saw all the episodes of every classic Doctor Who, nor am I interested in watching all of them. I'm just a casual fan who likes the series. Yet the series means a lot to me, because my children and I watch the new episodes together. It's nice to share movies, tv series, music and books with them. I never had that with my own parents.
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