14 April 2020
We had seen this film in New York on our honeymoon in 1955. It was a hot item at the time. So when I saw it listed on TV, I recorded it. I recall we enjoyed it in 1955. But in 2020, it is a very silly, pointless and unfunny picture. Maybe we've changed. Maybe films have changed. Technically it is well done. But the story --- a summer bachelor cheating on his wife while she's away --- just doesn't do much. It could have been a clever comedy. Maybe it was in 1955. But the story line is predictable, unrealistic, repetitive, disorganized and cliched. Our marriage has survived the years much better than this movie. (Did we ever imagine in that day of boxy 17 inch black and white TV's with rabbit ears that 65 years later we would watch the same film by satellite, in colour and hi-def on a DVD on a 50" flat screen TV set on one of the 700 odd channels we receive. Wonder what TV's will be like if they dig it out again in 2085?)
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