California is just like Cairo except with slightly better toilets
15 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Professor Edward Carson (Michael Piccirilli) is an archeologist and wears a fedora. He has been looking for five legendary power crystals for the last decade. He has found four. They look like the small $1 crystals you can get from China. They didn't even bother to take them out of their holders. His daughter Sophie (Isabella Blake-Thomas ) is the main character and occasional narrator. They are in the wilds of a California parking lot excavation looking for the last crystal, also wanted by an evil priest/demon.

When I saw the word "League" and the DVD cover I thought maybe this would be "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" as children. It was not. It wasn't "Dora the Explorer" good either. The film was low budget and had a bad script that bad actors could not animate.
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