Watchmen: She Was Killed by Space Junk (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
Episode 3 Settles In To The Watchmen Comic Universe
18 November 2019
To those worried about the direction HBO's Watchmen was going, Episode Three has picked up tremendously in quality. I will admit though, 'She Was Killed....' may not work with everyone as it clearly has its eyes on fans of the comic book (mind how i said the book, not the movie). Mysteries and open questions are starting to come together and the world Lindelof is creating is starting to be recognizably Watchmen just set 30 years later.

This episode focuses mainly on an FBI agent played brilliantly by Jean Smart who is called in to investigate the police murder by the 7th Kalvary. She is witty, determined, thick-skinned and just a really likable protagonist; so much so I kind of wish she would remain the main character. She works really well in balancing the new elements and characters (who so far haven't been the greatest) with the cynical and learned perspective of the elders and Alan Moore-esque comic universe who lived in the time of Dr Manhattan, The Comedian and Rorschach.

There are still issues with show runner Lindelof thinking he's smarter than he is with some hokey dialogue, twists that are pretty predictable and a few too obvious nods to the comic book, but overall the episode works really well and was the first one that genuinely made me invested in this take on the Watchmen property. Just not sure if newcomers to Watchmen will be left even more confused with it starting to adhere closer to fans of the comic. Overall, pretty damn good.
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