Not overly great, watchable but still tedious
3 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Not an overly good thriller movie.

It's watchable, actors are ok. Story hums along, but nothing special.

I would give this higher marks, but as I was one of the financiers on this project, I am going low because they did not give me any credit in the film, not even a thanks - and I sure am not getting any money from any rentals or sales in any form.

As I have given money for this film, the very least they could have done is keep my name in the credits when they were added - and they took it out for whatever reason - as well as my production company which was at one time listed because of the financing and marketing which we handled for this film.

So, to the director, producer and anybody involved in the creation aside of me...I don't know what's going on in your head - but when somebody funds your film and they are not getting any kind of retrun on it - YOU BETTER GIVE THEM THE CREDITTHAT THEY DESERVE.

My company and myself funded your movie and also promoted it - and you don't have the decency to give any thanks.

You don't derve anything better than 1 star - regardless of how good it may be.

I was listed back some time ago and then you deleted my name from the credits.


I hope future funders see this and then realize that they may be wasting their money and efforts on your projects - regardless of how good or bad it may be.
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