Arrow: Starling City (2019)
Season 8, Episode 1
A Crisis is Coming!
16 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The season 8 premiere of Arrow is fast paced, action packed and has a nostalgic feeling to it. It is filled with notable callbacks and Easter eggs to the first season of the series.

The opening scene where Oliver is rescued off the island was perfect and gave the episode its nostalgic feeling right away. The way the camera panned to Batman's and not Deathstroke's mask on the island was insane and unexpected. From that moment I knew that Oliver was not on his Earth. The Monitor's narration was on point and reminiscent to Oliver's narration in the series premiere of Arrow.

Oliver Queen was sent to Earth-2 by the Monitor to retrieve the Dwarf Star from Queen Consolidated. This episode saw the return of the Dark Archer, but the man under the hood was not Malcolm Merlyn. Instead it was Tommy Merlyn who is motivated by vengeance and tries to level the Glades. On this Earth, Thea spiraled out of control after learning about Oliver's death. She took vertigo while driving and died. This is a nice wink to season 1 where Thea uses vertigo and crashed a car. Luckily, Earth-1 Thea survived the car crash.

The return of Adrian Chase aka the Green Arrow of Earth-2 was awesome. However, he did not get the amount of screen time I hoped he would. Adrian Chase doing the salmon ladder was quite a neat callback.

This season Oliver will continue to wear the Green Arrow mask unlike last season. The Green Arrow costume looks much better with the mask. The iconography is better and makes Oliver look more badass. The season 8 costume is quite reminiscent to the season 1 costume with slight altercations.

The flash forwards were surprisingly entertaining. I thought it would loose some steam, now that Felicity, Roy, Dinah and Renee left, but it exceeded my expectations. The characters Mia, William, Connor and Zoe are incredibly likable. I am fully onboard of a spin-off happening that revolves around these characters. The main threat the team is facing this season is the Deathstroke gang. The leader is John Diggle Jr. who is the adoptive brother of Connor. I am excited to learn more about their past this season.

To conclude, this premiere did not disappoint and was entertaining from start to finish. It was perfectly put together and incredibly heartwarming. The end reveal where Earth-2 is supposedly destroyed by the Anti Monitor raises some questions. Is it gone for good?
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