Doctor Who: The Mind Robber: Episode 1 (1968)
Season 6, Episode 6
It may be hit and miss overall, but Part 1 is terrific.
14 October 2019
The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe need to escape a lava flow, so the TARDIS dematerializes outside of reality. Curiosity kills the cat, as Jamie and Zoe are tricked into seeing what they most want to see on the TARDIS scanner.

I like how the story picks up directly after the conclusion of The Dominators, not often we get a cliffhanger on a concluding episode.

It's a real hotch potch of a story, and one which is impossible to grade overall, as it literally does go from the sublime, to the ridiculous. This first part is absolutely brilliant, since being a fan of this show I was always blown away by the concept of The TARDIS flying outside of reality, it's a fascinating concept, one I would love to see the show do again.

Say what you will about the story overall, there is no denying this first part is fantastic. Who on Earth will forget Zoe's catsuit? Or that iconic scene of the TARDIS breaking up, with Padbury sprawled over the console?

Surreal, but wonderful. 10/10
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