The Hunted (2003)
Almost good
9 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Kind if ends up good but you have to battle through 30 minutes of nonsense at the start.

1. TLJ tracks a bleeding wolf through the forest. When he catches up with it it's caught in a ground anchored loop snare. How does a snared animal leave a bloody trail? The essence of a snare is to restrict the mobility of its victim.

2 TLJ goes on a helicopter ride. Reads, looks at pictures, acts perfectly fine during ride. Immediately after touchdown, badly acted, extreme airsickness.

Little things plot wise but totally unforgivable. Is the guy airsick or is he not? Is the wolf captured or is it not? The credibility of the film is shot to pieces before it starts. Even allowing for the corny Croatian prologue.

After this stupidity it gradually becomes a mediocre action flick but at no time does anything about it measure up to the 2 leading men. They must have been very well paid as this film is miles beneath their talents.
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