Review of Nerve

Farscape: Nerve (2000)
Season 1, Episode 19
Peacekeepers are back
22 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps sensing that the Peacekeepers had lost much of their scare value after several recent episodes in which they have been so easily overpowered, bamboozled, bug-infested, rank-pulled, and out-backflipped by the crew, we are introduced to a brand new Peacekeeper supervillain who is every bit as intimidating as we were meant to find Crais in the beginning.

As part of an elaborate scheme to save Sun from an injury that can be healed only with Peacekeeper technology, we return to the Top Secret Base (which appears to be quite public knowledge). The burst of continuity that follows is wonderful. The Peacekeeper engineer from the abandoned ship several episodes back returns in every detail, right down to the unrequited love interest in Crichton. The interesting tension this brings drives the plot, which is tense and unnerving.

The new Peacekeeper villain, a masked albino in a ninja costume and a Bane mask, is everything Crais is not - genuinely cruel and scary, embodying the elements of the Peacekeepers we were meant to find scary but which, to date, we have not. He is a violent interrogator extraordinaire who lacks even the baseline humanity of other Peacekeepers who, as we have seen, are at least susceptible to weaknesses like vice, honor, and mild heatstroke. The new villain is not.

This is the first real cliffhangar two-parter we have seen so far and we are set up for the crew once again facing the choice of "escape but one of us dies" vs. "go back for our friend but maybe we all die." It is obvious what we will choose, but it will take some elaborate plot that will surely astound us all to rescue Crichton from the clutches of the evil Peacekeeper commander. Can't wait.
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