when Dreams turn into Dust...
18 July 2019
"Requiem for a Dream" is one of the most immersive and shocking films of all time and in the end the movie turns into a feeling, an emotion- of unescapable sadness. One can say that it works as a complete drugs-do-bad movie, but the film is far more than that. It is a sad and tragic story of lost dreams and self destruction.

At first, the way this is filmed adds so much to the experience. We get sthe same close-ups and fast transitions (it's like Edgar Wright was in the edit room) everytime the characters consume their "thing".We also get some split-screne sequences and uring the climax the film enters deeper and deeper into the human mind and a couple of sureal sequences are shown.

All these make for an immersive and "ugly" experience that is ment to be desturbing. The only stilistic choice that I found too much was the some split screen moments whixh i think do not add a lot to the experience.

But afar from the tremendous filming endavour...this film tells so much about the human condition and the black holes that a peron can fall into. In the film, all of the four "vicitms" want sometihng, have a strong desire and they all fall in the same pitfall in order to complete their want. A lonely widow who wants to be "someone" and gai happyness by being loved and famous

Her son who wants to find a money, make some money and have a girl His girl who loves modeling and clothes and wants to make her own shop And the man's firend who believes that by being succesful at a field he will make his mother happy and proud.

All these dreams are shattered by their addiction to drugs. They lose their mind, their sanity, their love, their life.And it all eels so tragic and nightmarish.

I mostly loved the more sutle scenes , like the conversation between mom and son about their situation. But the sureal sequences during the climax where pretty affecting too.

Also, I really do not thing that this film is only about drugs, but cna be seen as a showcase of the consequences of our obsesions and addictions in general. And even the film is centered around drugs, we notice other addictions and obsesions too. Being mad for sex, for money, fame, recognition, love and acceptance, mad for food or for a calm life without worries are all addictions presented in the film and are all dangerous. The film shows that the only one that can destroy us really is our own self and our inability to control our desires which gradually become more and more monsterous.

The characters are nicely written, they feel like real people,tohugh i think the young femal character was kind of underdeveloped and lacked a second layer. The performances are all exceptional, somobody give the actress playing theold womn another slice of grapefruit because she truly deserves it!The score is haunting and I liked that the movie used it corretly.

You have to see this film and i might wreck you o pieces or make you rethink your small, unimportant existance but in the end eveything will be ok.

Just kidding. No one can save youo of your doom except of you.
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