Review of Warsaw 44

Warsaw 44 (2014)
More ww2 hot garbage
12 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie honestly sucked. The dialogue was bad, the action was awful relying on slo-mos to look "cool", Scenes had editing that put indian films to shame, and the ""film"" abundently uses shock value to try to get you to react. To make matters worse the action was not close to realistic. Whenever an important character runs through a field of Nazis, they develop stormtrooperits and can only hit the vip in the shoulder or leg. For example the main character and his, barley given a character, love intrest kiss in front of an MG nest and when they kiss all the bullets from the MG loop around them as lights flash. Its so ridiculous that it completely undercuts the death of his younger brother and his mom IN THE NEXT SCENE. In a ridiculous scene a tank explodes and, somehow, destroys an entire street. Then as a result of the explosion blood and organs begin falling from the sky, like a full rain storm. I know there was a crowd of people around the tank, but still, unless the tank blew up next to an organ donors office then its not possible and its only there for shock. There is plenty more wrong with this movie but it's not worth a second watch or the space in my brain to remember this.
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