Review of The Edge

The Edge (1997)
Believable because it reflects human nature
8 July 2019
This movie works for several reasons. The first is Bart the Bear. This is the best bear action sequences in a movie, way better than The Revenant. It did not look like any CGI was used. This is similar to the original Planet of the Apes and the remakes...the original looks way better over the technology and CGI that would come. Bart the bear was real and his trainer amazing. There are some good Youtube videos of Bart with his trainer.

This movie works because of Anthony Hopkins. No surprise here. Alec Baldwin plays the pretentious ass as good as anyone which is probably not a stretch from his true nature. Elle Macpherson plays herself and did a good job. The only real acting involved was her last scene when Charles gives her Robert's watch.

The location (scenery) has to be included as part of the success. I usually add the film score as the underrated star of many movies but not this one. It felt very dated.

Now to the survivalists who attack this movie. I find this rather stunning actually, that men go after a movie as though these characters trained in survival school for weeks, can make fire out of wood and took notes watching Dual Survival TV episodes. If anything, the movie set up Charles (Hopkins) as the very smart billionaire that possess the intelligence of one that read every How Does It Work book. OK...acceptable because it is Anthony Hopkins which is why you cast this actor. He is instantly believable as one possessing this type of intelligence. Now if any one of us were the victims of a plane crash we would be screwed in the Alaskan wilderness during winter. So why would we think these men know how to survive? I have watched every episode of Dual Survivor and know the three basic things to do, but that doesn't mean I can start a fire or apply these skills in the moment.

The writer brilliantly peppered in what kills people in survival situations is not what we would think, but what kills people is shame. Could not agree more, be it in a survival situation or real life in general. Shame is the most misunderstood emotion period. Lord of the Files (human nature) always applies--blame, fear, guilt, shame, ego. All of which keeps people divided rather than working together. This sinful part of nature is seen under the microscope in a pressure situation demonstrated on all reality TV shows, which is true to nature.
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