17...going on 30!
13 June 2019
"A Cold Wind in August" is a very strange and difficult movie to categorize. While on the surface the movie appears to be an exploitation picture, the movie often goes in directions that such a film wouldn't. Odd....that's really the best way to describe it!

Iris (Lola Albright) is a sexy 30-something lady who has a past...she used to be a stripper. Inexplicably, she's got the hots for 17 year-old Vito (Scott Marlowe)....and, apart from sex, it's hard to understand why she's interested in him. Odd also is the reaction from Vito's father--who knows about his son having an affair with the lady. He is NOT angry nor does he insist his boy stop seeing the lady. Where does this eventually go...especially when she returns to her old line of work?

There were a few things about this film I did not like. The biggest was due to a common problem back in the day...the 17 year-old was really nearly 30. So many old films about high schoolers feature kids old enough to begin receiving Social Security benefits....and it totally takes you out of the film. In reality, there was about 8 years difference between the two...and such a relationship is NOT unusual nor salacious like it would have been had the casting been better. Marlowe was just way too old for the part. There also is ONE line when she cries out "I want my baby" (referring to Vito)....but they really don't follow up on this odd cougar-like comment. Another problem is the ending...or, what appears to be a non-ending...it's awfully anti-climactic, that's for sure.

Overall, the actors give it their best and the story never is dull...but it also doesn't quite work either. A time-passer...and not much more.
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