Just watched this movie that I first read about in one of Pauline Kael's books of collections of her movie reviews. I can't remember what she said about it but I don't remember her panning it either. Anyway, it stars Lola Albright-who was one of the stars of the TV show "Peter Gunn" at the time-as a stripper who lives in a good apartment and Scott Marlowe as the 17-year-old kid who has an affair with her not knowing anything about her profession. They both are quite good, especially Ms. Albright, though like some of the other reviewers here, I did think Marlowe seemed a little old to play a late teen. Part of me also thought the ending seemed a little abrupt though that might have been due to the low budget nature of the film and that it's adopted from a novel that probably had a few more additional passages after that end. Still, director Alexander Singer guides the drama fairly well with the help of the jazzy score by Gerald Fried, melodramatic though it may have seemed at times. And Ms. Albright sure turns up the steam every time she appears, doesn't she? So on that note, I highly recommend A Cold Wind in August.