Lost Song (2018)
Art is good but most of the anime is rather bland and unoriginal.....
7 June 2019
So I found out about this anime from watching Anime America's recent YouTube video being based around the "BEST AND WORST ANIME OF 2018!". Basically I decided to go check this out because the songs in it are meant to be good and I like good music as any person would lol. However after just 2 episodes, I dropped it for two reasons = the storyline being too predictable and character development.

When you see a fairy tale, you think of a good looking damsel in distress who is rather good for nothing, gets captured by the bad guys and waits around for a Prince to rescue her. Filos and Rin (she might as well be since she looks exactly like a spitting image of Snow White!) are that type of characters in all honesty. Yeah she sings but didn't the princesses from Disney belt out songs too? The only difference was the princesses from Disney sung better loveable songs then the songs from "Lost Song" .

Personally speaking I do not find this was one the best anime of 2018 but instead goes into my rubbish bin...
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