Ribbit (2014)
30 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ribbit is a poisonous tree frog who doesn't fit in with the pond frogs. He is friends with a flying squirrel named Sandy because they are not afraid of a lawsuit by Spongebob. Ribbit believes he is a human prince trapped inside his body and embarks on a journey to find a human princess to kiss him. Sandy comes along because she is bored.

The graphics are second rate. Some of the animals have foreign accents and many are not native to South America where this appears to take place. Ribbit spends much of the beginning of the film lamenting on his purpose in life, almost turning it into a downer. The eyes looked liked doll eyes. The film stops short of being an inter-species love story, instead it concentrates on friendship and being what you are...whatever that means.
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