14 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Carter Simms (Douglas Callan) is a small town football hero living a successful life in LA selling 401Ks. He has a beautiful girlfriend (Brooke Burke-Charvet) and everything a guy could want. One day his world comes crashing down upon him as he gets fired and finds his girlfriend cheating on him. He returns to his home town, an "R" rated Mayberry to sort things out and think about what matters in life.

This is not an action or plot driven film. It moves slow to give you a feel of Carter's easy paced life in his home town. He hangs out with the gang he grew up with and is still a hero to the townsfolk. The almost non-existing plot is predictable down to the details. It is an indie that doesn't pretend to be too much.

Morgan Fairchild plays the mom and frankly, she looks great. She could have played a woman half her age. Okay her accent has really bad. This is not a deep indie where you have to think hard or pay attention to oddball stuff going on in the background. It is simply a "I love my small home town more than the big city" film. The cover art is really stupid and attempts to sell the film as something it is not.

Parental Guide: F-bomb, brief nudity, implied sex
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