There are zombie strippers in this movie.
30 April 2019
You'd think you'd know what you're getting when you decide to watch a movie called "Zombie Strippers!" starring Jenna Jameson. What you can't know until you watch it is how good it is. I'm here to say that it's as good as a movie with this title and cast could possibly be. It delivers on the promise of soft porn, the zombie makeup and horror pacing is perfect, and it's funnier and more clever than 90% of B movies. Instead of dragging in the second half, the dialogue and over-the-topness only get better ("Kids should smoke more. It's so cool!" Also, billiard balls?!) 10/10 on sexiness, 10/10 on gore and zombies, 9/10 on comedy. I would strongly recommend this to anyone who finds the title even remotely appealing.
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