Review of Black Summer

Black Summer (2019–2021)
Simultaneously frustrating and enthralling.
17 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I hated this when I first started, but found that I couldn't stop watching. I wound up binge-watching the whole season,. Even when I was frsustrated by the characters, and yelling "Close the door behind you,!" "Shoot for the head!", I still couldn't stop watching. In the end I have to admit it was rather genius. A lot of really well choreographied single-shot chase scenes. People who dissed this series should watch again, just for the way certain long shots were handled. And cleverly executed practical effects. The result puts you in the middle of the action. No time for exposition or lengthy philisophical monologues. The dead are coming! RUN! And the frustrating way people acted...? Well, it's easy to think clearly sitting in your living room. Everybody likes to think they'd be just as smart with the undead on their heels. This was good. I admit, I wound up loving it.
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