My Tomato (1943)
If you ever needed evidence for the well-known fact that . . .
13 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
. . . all the way through World War Two America was plagued by fellow-traveling Fifth Columnist Quislings, you do not have to look beyond MY TOMATO. During the run-up to the USA's Fight for Survival, Valiant True Blue Loyal Patriotic Warner Bros. fought the incipient Axis of Evil through a series of prophetic Looney Tune shorts and feature documentaries such as CONFESSIONS OF A NAZI SPY. On the other hand, the nefarious Confederate "Red State" Pachyderm Party Propaganda Machine (aka, The House of the Groaning Fat Cat One Per Centers) backed a pre-War "Neutrality" Policy to aid and abet their soul mate, Der Fuhrer. Once the devious Sneak Attack on Pearl Harbor enabled stalwart U.S. Hero/President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to unleash the full force of U.S. Might against the Freedom Haters, the Billionaire Boys' Club film studio still tried to demoralize the USA's Home Front with a steady stream of negative stories such as MY TOMATO. No doubt MY TOMATO had "Adolf," "Benito," and "Tojo" rolling in the aisles with gales of laughter at "Joe's" total inability to grow even one tomato regardless of whether his life depended upon it. Fortunately for Posterity, Bugs Bunny & Co. from Warner Bros. spurred American and its Allies to an Ultimate Victory against the Prussians and their Pachyderm Puppets!
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