Review of Hells

Hells (2008)
Hells: Interesting, but lifeless
12 March 2019
Hells was a recommendation, I'd never heard of it and based on it's appearance I'd likely not have given it a go otherwise.

It tells the story of a girl who is involved in a car accident on her way to school. When she awakens she discovers she's in hell, a place where the dead go to educate at an academy for whatever is next.

Immediately I was hit by the animation style, it's one that you'll see commonly in short films and music videos but for a full 2hr feature it was simply too much. It's not that I dislike it, it just has its place and this wasn't it.

More a comedy than anything else it's seven shades of goofy and I don't mean that in a good way. It falls into all the usual anime tropes, for example there isn't much spoken dialogue in's all shouted!

The plot makes sense but is convoluted and deeply baffling. It involves "God", Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel and everyone in hell is inexplicably some kind of monster, animal, panda etc with no explanation as to why. Especially considering coincidentally our leading lady isn't.

So visually it's overwhelming, the plot is confused and despite it being full of action in manages to be really quite boring.

Though not entirely terrible this just wasn't for me at all.

The Good:

Has its heart in the right place

Some interesting characters

The Bad:

Not keen on the animation style

Really goofy

Plot is a confused mess
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