3 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film is the "teens explore an abandoned mental institution" coupled with the hand held found footage genre. The first three chapters of the film is talking about ghosts over the family water pipe, along with a history of mental institution torture with the same lame historical black and white film plus a little Greek Mythology.

Chapter 4 (in case you want to skip all that stuff and miss the mild character build up) starts the meat of the film as our threesome enter Greystone and start filming in a most annoying fashion. U-tube videos of people making love in a small row boat during a storm while tossing their camera into the air does not have as much jerking motion as this filming. When you add the fact of the lights flashing on and off, it is a wonder that you can make it through it without developing some weird epileptic motion sickness.

Sean "Shaky" Stone is the main character. He is accompanied by Antonella Lentini and Alexander "Shakes" Wraith. The film is a clever descent into madness either through the power of suggestion of something supernatural. Unfortunately they chose a genre that ruined any script genius. Lights going out. People screaming. Shadows, quick movements. These cheap effects have all been done before and better.

Parental Guidance: F-bombs, no sex or nudity.
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