Crossing the Lighthouse (1999 TV Movie)
My gold medal winner
16 February 2019
If I could only watch one more film in my life it would be this one. The principle character (and early narrator) Eric is an orphan, unwanted and forgotten who meets Yann at his new school on his first day having been moved from yet another foster home. They embark with childish recklessness to visit the nearby lighthouse on foot: they are lucky; the lighthouse keeper sees them and in a way "saves" them. The film is full of poetic symbolism in many ways: the lighthouse is tantalisingly just out of reach (it's surrounded by the sea) and represents safety and security, the very thing both children crave. Although Yann lives with her aunt and is therefore not abandoned unlike Eric, she is also an outsider for being a tomboy: when Eric discovers that she is in fact a girl he accepts her unconditionally, unlike her teachers and pupils at school. She is later moved to an all girls school which she sees as a punishment. The link with the book "The little Prince" is clear inasmuch as she cannot understand adults. And she has a soulmate. There's also a sub-plot with her aunt and the lighthouse keeper which completes the film and makes it feel whole. Wonderful.
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