Star Trek: Discovery: An Obol for Charon (2019)
Season 2, Episode 4
This Episode was Awesome!
9 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Time to trigger thumbs down, because someone has the audacity to openly admit to enjoy DISCO!


Drama-to kill Saru or not to Kill Saru!!

Best line: Saru asking the crew, "do any of you know more then one language!!??" (Guilty of that myself)

Getting high on mushrooms, Tilly going down a literal mushroom hole!

Tower of Babel moment

Paul and Jett banter in the spore room

Tully's head gets drilled, and

Not Love Boat in Space!


Wish they did more between tilly and spore connection-they are pushing hard and fast about it, so I hope there will be a pay off with it in the end.

Wish they did more with the sphere, but only so much time to write everything in.

Wish they did more the Number 1, and hope she is back for MORE!!!

In some ways-season two is becoming Search for Spock (not like the awesome move), just thinking about it and having a little the end do they really need Spock this season...I hope there is a grand payout for it...
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