The Strain: The Last Stand (2017)
Season 4, Episode 10
Zach´s Redemption
31 January 2019
The group is attacked by a horde of vampires and Gus and his team ask to be left behind and the others leave the spot to protect the nuclear warhead. Only Gus and Roman survive and Fet drive to a water tunnel that has been under construction for many years to hide the weapon. Then they plot a mean to bring The Master to the tunnel to destroy him and spare Manhattan and the population. Quinlan and Fet decide that they need to sacrifice their lives to get rid of The Master, since Fet needs to activate the bomb. Soon The Master, Zach and his horde invade the access to the tunnel and Quinlan drags him to the tunnel. Zach also goes to the place with a weapon and Eph uses the elevator and leaves Fet on the surface. Now the final showdown between Quinlan and The Master will begin. What will Eph and Zach do?

"The Last Stand" is a satisfactory conclusion of "the Strain" despite the confused Zach. This character is a complete mess and despite his final sacrifice, it is never clear why he detonated the warhead since he show Eph in the previous scene. Setrakian and Quinlan are nice characters that served to their purpose. Fet, Dutch, Gus, Roman are also OK. My vote is nine.

Title (Brazil): "The Last Stand"
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