13 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with Allie (Kailin See) trying to piece together clues of her father's murder. She comes across all kinds of weird supernatural stuff and symbols. The movie then shifts gears from a scary supernatural story to an up beat slasher film as a bunch of young adults go to an island. It is here on the island that the plot is explained about the cursed seamstress who sews shut the eyes and mouth of her victims. If you watch a lot of horror films, you will most likely be bored with this one as it brings nothing new to the table. The acting lacked. The plot wasn't bad, but the drama and filler material, as well as the dialogue was weak. This is evident during an early scene where Allie confronts the sheriff (Lance Henriksen) over the murder of her father. Might be tolerable as a low budget rental.

F-bombs, sex, brief rear nudity.
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