Night Fright (1967)
Night Fright: Really awful stuff
28 November 2018
I was immediatly struck by the alarmingly low IMDB rating, at time of writing we're talking 2.4 and that's really impressive!

It tells the long drawn out story of a big beastie that's out in the forest killing folks off, usual standard stuff. Trouble is it never really gets going.

The pace of the film is remarkable, very little actually happens yet the entire film spends its time building up to something. I don't think I've ever seen a movie quite like it, it's the most anti-climatic thing I've ever seen.

Beyond that every other factor from the acting to the sfx are so mediocre that I'm not even remotely surprised that this has remained so obscure.

It's terrible stuff.

The Good:

Nothing springs to mind

The Bad:

Very repetitive audio

Lack of budget showed

Very anticlimatic

Goes nowhere and goes there slow

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

I learnt nothing, other than the other half moved the head ache tablets!
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