So Sad About Gloria: Should have been better
27 October 2018
The curiously titled So Sad About Gloria is more of a thriller than a horror and tells the story of a young woman released from an asylum and trying to start her life afresh.

Starring Lori "The Beverly Hillbillies" Saunders our heroine is a very wealthy lady who immediatly meets a suitor upon her release. But is she truly well again? And what part will those around her play?

I was actually enjoying the film, Saunders was excellent and it very much saddened me that she didn't have a bigger career. She hasn't worked since 1980 and based on her performance here that's a real shame.

The film is well paced and interesting but has some severe flaws. For one the actual camera work is poor, I don't mean the traditional cinematography I mean the cameras used. The quality is poor and the scratches and blemishes on the lense are unforgivable!

To make matters worse the soundtrack is really quite bad, it's over the top in places and truly cringe inducing in others.

As if all that wasn't enough the story trails off, it doesn't deliver which is very unfortunate as I was really getting into it.

Despite the flaws the film is watchable, if you can get past the patchy writing and embarassing unprofessionalism there is entertainment to be had and Saunders is postively mesmerizing.

The Good:

Lori Saunders

Some decent ideas

The Bad:

Camera quality is awful

Incredibly cringe inducing soundtrack

Story sadly doesn't deliver

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

I suddenly have the overwhelming compulsion to climb a tree
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