Saints Row: The Third (2011 Video Game)
Saints Row The Third: So much fun it should be criminal
23 October 2018
At it's core a video game really needs to do one thing, give you a damn fun time. Too much focus has been given to grinding, realism and multiplayer when sometimes what you need is take your brain out crazy entertainment and that is where Saints Row 3 delivers.

Saints Row immediatly got flack for being a GTA clone, that frustrates the life out of me. Why is it a clone? There are few genres/premises in games that haven't been done before, is every racing game a Mario Kart ripoff? Is every first person shooter a Wolfenstein clone? No! People need to lighten up.

Saints Row 3 broke free of any such comparisons, no longer being a standard gang themed open world game and deciding instead to go in a new direction. What direction? Well, a rather weird one.

Mind controlling octopus gun? Giant dildo sword? Streaking side missions? Saints Row got silly and all the better for it. The game is colourful, over the top and seven shades of crazy.

Saints Row 3 has a lengthy enjoyable and wild story and that's not even touching upon the dlc packs which bring even more hilarity. The customization is limitless, the humour is hilarious and the open world is brimming with things to do.

We need more games like this and though it's sequel was enjoyable it paled in comparison and we have no sign of life from the franchise here in 2018.

Saints Row 3 is not art, it isn't an epic, it's not a multiplayer title with infinite playability it's just pure unconditional fun.

The Good:

Customization is limitless

Great story

Highly original stuff


The Bad:

Nothing springs to mind

Things I Learnt From This Game:

Every game needs streaking side missions

Holding Out For A Hero makes any situation that much more epic

Hulk Hogan hasn't poisoned everything he's touched, just most things
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