I can understand why people think it's fake.
13 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Camp Hideaway is a cheap camp run by Satanist who kill people for the Beast. The highlight is when Tina Krause goes looking for missing friends and takes a long extended shower without pulling the shower curtain.

Filmed in Pennsylvania, home of the Polonia Brothers and utilized actors even they would not hire. I can't imagine the dialogue being scripted as folks struggled with what to say. The killing scenes were horribly faked as we can actually see the knives/machete miss the person who then pretends they were hit. HEY! When you are dead stop breathing and moving around!

Now on several occasions I have gotten e-mails from directors complaining about their one star rating and ranting about all their labor pains and challenged me if I could make a better film. Generally I answer, I can't which is why I don't make films, and they shouldn't either. However, in this case, I really think I could do better.

Was that supposed to be a neck with the head cut off?

Guide: F-word. Pretend sex. nudity.
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