Ice Fantasy (2016– )
Chinese Narnia
5 October 2018
This long running tv show, based on a popular Chinese YA novel, can be seen at Netflix. It is filmed in the look and feel of Narnia covered in snow, but definitely Chinese in computer animation and candy colored, fluffy drama.

The main story is about two brothers, Ka Suo and Ying Kongshi, from the Ice Tribe. They are cursed with a predestined life cycle, and their story is sad, but luckily there is some comic relief too. Most episodes reminded me of Greek Mythology with struggling gods, demi gods and humans full of love, hate, friendship, betrayal. Especially the story of Kongshi, the younger brother, was interesting.

All in all it was thanks to the actors that I watched the show until the end. The brothers, the mother of Kongshi, and the fire princess were fun to watch.
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