«If you understand a movie, it means we have failed».
31 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
For the first time we see a mysterious monolith still for long before appearance of the first human. Stanley Kubrick in the company of the screenwriter Arthur Clark shows to the viewer of monkeys. These are the beings, rather primitive from the point of view of social lines, who don't have accurate public organization. But here on the horizon the mysterious Black Obelisk appears. Creators only begin to provide the thinnest surgical hints to the viewer as a food for thought. Opinions of most of both film critics, and mere mortals dispersed about it from the moment of the movie premiere.

The further travel to Jupiter looks awesome, with fascinating sounds and the color images rushing before the astronaut's eyes. The long episode of an unreal travel sharply breaks with a scene in usual, quite realistic situation in the living room where the traveler endures the accelerated aging and regeneration, having come to be an image of the star child. The star child who comes up from a monolith in space is result of this coition. This creation which received absolute knowledge, having experienced physical death and having revived, smoothly moves towards Earth. There, having found a physical body, the star child will differ from other people as well as modern people from the space station differ from the monkeys.

The musical motifs (Richard Strauss' Also Sprach Zarathustra, Johann Strauss' Blue Danube Waltz) will forever bring the film to mind, and snippets of its minimalist dialogue ("Open the pod bay doors, Hal", "Good morning, Dave") pop up in homages and cultural references.

In the end just wanna tell, that this is one of the best movies ever. With fantastic atmosphere, deep philosophical implication and a nonlinear plot. All of this forces your gray substance moves and to look for a way to a necessary enlightenment. And here, when you would seem it is already close to it, "the space Odyssey" quickly slips out your "hands", leaving you alone with own thoughts.
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